
The NMWG is co-sponsoring an awesome event, run by awesome people: please check out The Queerness and Games Conference this October 25th and 26th at UC Berkeley, run by BCNM’s own Bonnie Ruberg and Chris Goetz. Check them out at qgcon.com!

Now in its second year, QGCon is a free, weekend-long, interdisciplinary event. The goal of QGCon is to create an open and inclusive environment for discussing the intersection of video games and LGBTQ issues, however you define them. QGCon brings together academics and game developers to foster dialogues that break traditional disciplinary boundaries. The QGCon organizers believe in the importance of creativity and play as tools for intellectual and personal exploration.

The theme for this year’s QGcon is Difference at Play. Some questions inspired by the theme might include: What does it mean to play differently? What does it mean to play at difference itself? In what way can “difference” speaks to questions of race, gender, and sexuality for games and those who play them?

To learn more about QGCon, see our list of last year’s amazing speakers — and consider watching some of the wonderful talks that brought together an inspiring collection of ideas and an inspiring community.